My brother-in-law raved, so I went to check it out.
Up the stairs and to the alter, I was halted by a menu that seemed simpler at first glance than it turned out to be. Nothing is in categories, all entries/types of food are given equal entry space, carved with chalk. I stood for a while in the middle of the room figuring it out. I was aiming for a burger that would give me the best "burger's priest worthy experience".
The guy at the cash was SUPER friendly. I was moved to the point of increasing my own friendliness to lessen the gap. It had been a long day :P
What else can I say besides it was one of the best burgers I have ever eaten ever? I have tasted similar styles, but no one has taken it to this level.
I not only recommend hitting up the closest burger's priest within the week, I also challenge you not to return shortly thereafter. :)