| - Even Montreal, that city of the great white north known for its French styled bistros, has its representation into a trend getting traction south of the border, that is,
Puzzle Food.
Puzzle Food is where you walk into a casual place that is pick and choose items from a list of 3 or 4 variables, and put the pieces together however you want to make them fit to make your Puzzle meal.
Except this place has been around perhaps 10 - 12 years, so maybe Puzzle food started here?
It is a Puzzling question.
This place is sort of like Mongolian Barbecue meets Pan-Asian noodle house.
The Puzzle pieces are:
1. Pick the noodle you want (a variety of Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and other noodle favorites)
2. Pick your protein (chicken, beef, tofu, etc. )
3. Pick the sauce you want (again, sweet, sweet and sour, spicy, soy sauce, etc. )
4. Pick the veggies from the veggie bar that you want added to your noodles.
Then wait for the cook to grill it all up, and the waitress to bring you it to your table with the beverage of your choice. Not that Puzzling really.
This is cheap stuff. $9.99 and $12.99 covers most any combo you want. So it is cheap enough that you don't have to Puzz around (oops did I mean don't be a Putz?) and just come in and order something. But not on a first date.
If you don't like your Japanese Udon noodles with the American broccoli and cauliflower you chose in the spicy Thai sauce you selected, who's fault is that?
Why do you look Puzzled with this question?
You Puzz!