What a B-----. The girl at the front desk is such condescending little arrogant piece of work.
I have a Neuton battery powered lawn mower. I've had it at least 10 years. It started acting up so I call Neuton and they said that Burlap was the authorized repair center for them and have the battery tested. They said bring the battery and charger only. Not the entire machine. I called Burlap to ask for directions and I spoke to her. She said to bring the machine in and not just the battery only. After a lot of bad mouthing Neutron's tech center I gathered up my lawn mower and drove 25+ miles to Burlap. The little girl was sitting behind the front desk. She slowly looked up and coldly said what can I do for you. Red flags started going off. I knew what was going to happen. I've seen her type before. I explained that I need my battery tested and she said to put the mower on the sidewalk and she will write it up. I did so. She came out and then started asking me a hole bunch of questions. What was going on with the mower,how old is the battery. OK so far. Reasonable questions. Then she asked how have I taken care of my battery? Did I charge my battery every month, where did I store my mower? I said I use the mower every week so it is charged every week and I store the mower in the garage. She started at me. "That's the problem" she said "you have to store it in a climate controlled room. In the house" My response was "who the hell stores their lawn mower in the house"? What a stupid thing to say. She then said "well that's what you have to do and now that I've told you that Neuton will no longer warranty the battery. At that time all I wanted was to stop talking to this psycho and get my battery tested. She started writing down the information and asked if I brought everything. I showed her everything. I must have left the blade at home. She went ape shi-. "How are we suppose to load test it without a blade!!!?
I swear foam started appearing on the sides of her mouth. I packed everything back in the car and left. WOW. PSYCHO GIRL, Don't go to Burlap landscape and supply.
P.S. I went to Battery Plus and they tested my battery and found the one cell was bad. Without a blade.