20/80 rule applies here. 20% of the merch smells amazing and the other 80% smells dreadful.
If you like to rotate your bath products don't let them pressure you into buying the jumbo "value" sized bottles of anything. They don't use preservatives so chances are it might go bad before you've had a chance to use it all (I've got 80% left of a bottle that was once shampoo...$40 wasted).
Check the expiry dates for the remaining shelf life!
You could wind up with something that has less than 6 months on it, and later have a salesgirl tell you passive aggressively that it was really weird that it's expired when you've had over a year to use it. Right.
That being said, the other items that come in bar form dissolve faster than cotton candy in a summer storm when you use it in the shower. Not a great value, but some of them smell oh so good. Pretty soon all you're left with is a clogged drain full of dried flowers, herbs, nuts, glitter and hair. Make sure you have a drain strainer!