My wife and I decided to visit Outback restaurant just North of Ray near I 10.
We ordered a nice meal. While we were waiting a family with 2 young children (3 and maybe 6 years old) were running around, climbing under a booth, laughing loudly, chasing each other.
After 10 minutes or so, our meal arrived. The children were still playing. They had turned it up a notch now.
This became very distracting to my attempt to have a relaxing meal.
I was hoping that the Manager would ask the adults to get the little ones under control.
I asked a passing waitress to please have the Manager to ask that the children settle down.
Finally after a few more minutes of the more ramped up play I could not relax or tolerate the McDonald's playroom behavior anymore, so I got up from my meal and respectively asked the parents of the children to get them under control because it was very distracting to my supper.
They responded quickly and quietly.
About 2 minutes later their food was delivered to their table.
Afterwards the manager came over to my table and asked if everything was okay. I told him no, and explained the disruption to him. His response was worth the rating I'm giving.
His response was first my wife and I could move to a different part area in the restaurant. Then explained that he was waiting for their meal to arrive, which would prompt the parents to get the toddlers under control.
I guess no one else's dinner or comfort mattered.