| - I went to Sushi Eye for lunch on a Friday. The place was packed, the waitresses looked a little stressed and some of the clientele was a little crabby because they had to wait a little longer for their food. Honestly, I've waited longer at sushi restaurants for sushi that wasn't worth it. I found the pieces at Sushi Eye to be pleasantly large, the rolls were delicious and well made and the service was very friendly. We tried the Booty Booty Roll, the Salmon Skin Roll and a few pieces of Sake (salmon) and Unagi. My only complaint was that we didn't have individual plates, so eating the end pieces of the Booty Booty roll was a little challenging because there was no way either one of us, even with mouths as large as we have, could fit the entire piece with the shrimp tails sticking out, in one we ended up with a lot of rice in our soysauce dishes. But, it was a fun adventure anyway. Oh, and the Nigiri...the pieces of salmon were twice as long as most other places. Compared with the other sushi places I've been to in AZ (all two of them), the prices at Sushi Eye were the most reasonable. The regular rolls average around $6 or $7 while the special rolls (like the Booty Booty) average around $9 to $14. The Nigiri pieces were around $4 or $5.
One thing that did confuse me a little at first, and I'm not trying to be picky here, I just want to help out people who have never been there before: the rolls are all listed in the front section of the menu while the pieces are listed in the back section, so you kind of have to look for them. This is important because somebody actually comes and takes your order rather than you filling out a slip of paper writing in how many of each item you want. If you go to their website,, you can see a full color menu there. It's worth checking out before you go.
Oh, and they have a new location opening in Chandler in November.