This review is specifically for the $5 Hip hop class on Friday.
As much as I want to be, I'm not a dancer. I have taken Zumba classes but that's about it. When I heard about this class, I was hoping I could get some cardio and learn something new. I went in to their reception and asked specifically whether a beginner would be able to catch up in that class and they said yes.
So I went in. Studio C is rather small, with covered wires running on the floor. It's not that clean either. That would not be a problem if there wasn't 15-18 of us and if we didn't have to crawl on the floor and put our faces close to the ground. Which we did.
On to the class itself, this is not a beginner class. At the beginning we did a bit of zumba and stretching, which I loved. Then we went on and learned this super fast and complicated choreograph (for me at least) and I couldn't catch up at all. Instead of getting cardio I was getting frustrated with myself. The teacher wasn't helpful with new beginner student either.
All the people in that class that I talked to or watched seemed to have some experience with dancing and I was the odd ball. I wish the receptionist warned me about the level of this class, but for 5 bucks to try it out, I guess it wasn't that bad.
All in all, I would only recommend this class if you are at an intermediate level in dancing. I'm sticking to Yoga One next door for now.