They're okay, but just as okay as any other nail salon despite any boasting they are different. A bunch of their massage chairs don't function as a massage chair. This is my second visit My technician refused to use any form of pressure so it was basically a slippery hand job, and for the deluxe plus expensive plan they refused to do more than one coat of green on my large to despite extreme streaking. There were sparkles all over my toes, I have it down to just the cuticles now. I will keep coming back because my family likes this place but just don't think they are any different than your run of the mill get-in-get-out walk in joint, except they charge more and pretty much require an appointment. Disappointing.
Edit: I was writing this as I waited and when I stood up I realized she never washed the sugar scrub off the back of my legs and calfs so not only were my shorts sticky but my calves were sticking together. I walked next door to Subway and washed it off.