When I first got there, I was a little disappointed. It looked cheesy and low budget. I had been to another MMD but it was at a nice lounge in Hollywood so that's what I was comparing it to.
Once the show began, I was laughing. The actress that plays MiMi is one of the two things that make the show. She is so quick witted, talented and funny. She is amazeballs.
The other is the DJ. He is quick to add sound effects which really play up with MiMi's zingers. He does something else during the show but let that be a surprise!
Pro tip: if you are on FB, make sure you check in and like the page.
The food was ok. It's not so super gross but not super delicious either. It's just OK. Everything is over around 8:30 so just walk down Fremont and grab a hot slice of pizza as you watch people perform on the street.
I definitely want to bring my family back to watch the show. It was really fun. Oh, also, I brought a 14 and 9 yo. The jokes can be racy but my 9 yo didn't get it and the 14 yo laughed. I think bringing kids is totally fine. There were a couple other kids there too.
Anyways, we had a blast and the kids loved it. I definitely would come back!!