| - As an Old Laveener, (even though i'm only 24 - I'm still old!) it's crazy to see fields develop into something different. For the longest there used to be field worker selling their surplus crops and now - there is a strip mall where a field used to be... and on the North East corner of said field is new and huge Jumbo Buffet.
I first went to Jumbo Buffet during their grand opening. We entered into their brand spanking new place and saw a very clean and kinda tacky dining room. I gotta admit - I think it's kinda cute... but just kinda. But what I do like is their GIGANTIC plasma hung high in their dining room. It's on, but it's muted and you don't notice it unless you're looking for it, despite it's size. They have uniformed and friendly enough staff. But many things get lost in translation.
I thought they had decent food - nothing great, but decent. They have a HUGE variet of food that attempts to be better than the run of the mill chinese buffet however - because there's so many dishes the cooks really can't concentrate on the dishes they do put out. So subpar all around. It was crazy busy which is to be expected however - we were frustrated with our server who had trouble understanding us and getting our drinks refilled was an uphill battle.
One funny thing is that the buffet features a very well maintained Mongolian BBQ and someone asked for a hot dog! yes, a hot dog!! What was even MORE odd was that they had it!! lol! Pretty soon everyone was devouring hot dogs!
Recently, I ventured back to Jumbo Buffet. I was disappointed to see that they raised their prices to $11 a person. and their American food was slipping. No longer were their roasted potatos and onions were these light crispy chunks of goodness - now they were oily and oniony hunks of mashiness - blech. The sushi is just as mediorcure as it was the first time I went. However, their salmon maki was decent. Their soups - I wouldn't trust their soups 'nuff said. The sweet & sour chicken was the biggest disappointment - the first time I went it was fresh and yummy, this last time - it was dense and hard! and it hurt my teeth to bite into it! ouch!
What did stay good were their many seafood selections, the octupus still scared the crap out of lil kids, their fried shrimp was still good as were their crispy egg rolls. The Mongolian BBQ is still well maintained and thankfully everything was at a nice cold temperature! Their orange chicken was yummy! and or COURSE, the hot dogs still stole the show!!
I would like to suggest to the owners of Jumbo Buffet that they close the smaller dining room that is obviously a different "store" within the strip mall and rennovate it into a hotdog place... and if they were to bring back the old Potato & Onions dish, in place of fries - that would kick ASS!!