I as very excited when I got a call from Alaa stating that she was opening her own place, I've missed her meticulous waxing techniques and her general bubbly personality. I booked an appointment via email since come on who wants to say out loud on the phone that they need a brazilian wax?! They were very prompt on returning my email and giving the the time I required since I do shift work. Found the place very easily since they gave me instructions and the decor is simplistic but lovely at the same time (not over done). Everyone was kind and courteous, offered me a drink and hung my coat for me. Once I was in the room with Alaa we starting talking like I just saw her last week! She truly loves what she does and love her customers at that. She works fast (but thorough) and I am very comfortable with her. (I'm a bigger girl and at other places has asked me to book extra time since it took longer to complete my wax). They even gave me the option to pre-book my next appointment (which i did!) They also explained to me their daily specials and I booked a massage and facial as well. I love this place, love the atmosphere, I highly recommend this place to anyone who wants clean, fast and great waxing services. I will rate again once I get my massage and facial