This trail system is really great for a number of activities.
My husband and I have taken our dogs out here on a number of occasions. First off, it is out of the city, but not so far out if you have to drive miles to get to the trail head. Secondly, you are very quickly into the trails once you start off on any hike/run/bike here. I'm not that great at hiking (read: I'm clumsy/un-blalanced and I've come to accept that fact), however I still do like to get out of the city and explore nature + add a different facet to my exercise routine - so hiking/walking trails is good!
There tend to be a good number of people out here on the weekends, so don't think you can come out here to be ALONE with nature or anything. Guaranteed you will see a handful of other outdoors peeps running/walking/biking out here.
My husband has gone farther and biked/ran the trails much further than I have. He uses this trail system to train for a marathon and a triathlon later this year. He has gone out during the middle of the week and has said there are far less people out there then. Makes sense.
Anyway, I highly recommend this trail system for just about anyone - novice, families, people with dogs, even families can do this one with ease, even with younger kids you shouldn't have much trouble.