| - I don't think I've ever been to a video store better than Four Star, and I don't think I ever will. As soon as I moved to Madison years ago, I took out an account there, and I've been renting there ever since. Their selection is amazing - unlike Blockbuster, they have more than new releases, and unlike many other locally-owned video stores, they have a huuuuuuuuuuuge collection. The few times they don't have what I want, it's usually some weird obscure foreign film, and one I really didn't expect them to have anyway. Their collection takes up two huge rooms (if this was a New York City tenement a hundred years ago, I'd say at least 10 families could fit in Four Star) Four Star's staff is friendly and usually pretty helpful. They also have rent-one-get-one-free coupons in the Onion every other week or so, which makes movies there even cheaper. I'm sure that, really, Netflix is a better deal, but even my friends with Netflix go to Four Star because they have such a great collection. Porn, too (I don't know how the porn selection is, but they do have Pirates, the most expensive pornographic film ever made - it's advertised throughout the store).
The only complaints I've ever really heard about Four Star is their policy of checking all bags larger than a DVD. I figure that if you're carrying real valuables in your bag, either take them home and then come back, or suck it up and trust the staff. Bags are stored behind the counter and in plain sight, and you're given a coat check kind of thing so they know exactly whose bag is whose. I've never heard of anyone losing anything while their bag was being checked, so I really wouldn't worry about it.
TL;DR version? Just like Roger Ebert said: Thumbs up to Four Star.