Oh man, super huge fan! In Montreal for work and needed to grab a bite to eat, so I slap "vegan" into the ol' Yelp search and just picked the closest place. When they asked me if I was ready to order I just gave two easy instructions. Bring me the darkest beer you have on tap and your favorite dish on the menu. I wound up with an amber-ish Christmas beer and the tunisian stew. First I was super surprised that both hit the table within like 5 minutes. The stew was amazing, great sweet savory pairing brought home by raisins and cinnamon balanced out with feta and tumeric. It was home-y it was warming, the perfect dish for a chilly night with a dusting of snow. The beer really went nicely with the dish with a little bit of spice of it's own.
A great dish like that gave me enough confidence to try their dessert and I went with the Twix Tarte. It was awesome, rich and fudge-y filling with an awesome chocolate sauce. It definitely was reminiscent of Twix but in a much more grown up, much more indulgent sort of way. The service was fast and friendly. I really lucked out stumbling into a gem here. Check it out yourself!