| - This restaurant has potential, but unfortunately, they fail on implementation.
In the past, we waited 2 hours for a delivery. As compensation, we were offered a free meal the next time we ordered. Good enough for me, after all, s*it happens, right?
So the next time we ordered, we called and explained what happened and verified that the meal would be free. They checked, then agreed. Great. Except that the delivery guy showed up expecting to be paid (and since they outsourced the delivery, he had himself already paid for the order!).
If that wasn't enough, after a couple of months of not eating there, we thought that we would give them one more try. After all, none of the other burger places in Verdun offer veggie burgers.
Big mistake. They put things on the burgers that were not in the description. Mayo on my friend's hotdog (mayo on a hotdog?!), cheese on someone else's chicken burger, a burger that was breaded and fried -- also not in the description where it was described as a "chicken breast".
They also put mayo /all/ over my tofu burger, and since I don't eat eggs, that rendered it pretty much inedible.
It was a complete waste of a meal for everyone involved. A waste of food, and money and time.
The olds joke of ordering out when your home cooked meal doesn't work out? Yea, we cooked supper instead after this "food" arrived.
On the plus side, it looks like they have resolved their delivery issues. The guy showed up around 30 minutes after we placed the order.