| - Oh the Ship. I wonder how long you've been around for? You seemed to have outlasted the test of time compared to these trend bars that appear out of nowhere with their wait lines of tennis skirts/untucked dress shirts that weave around our streets like a human intestine only to wither away into empty disco floors with old sweaty sunken drunk eyes nearby pawing at those poor waitresses.
According to FFWD you're the top place to "meet" someone or rather, a locally known "meat" market. What does that mean? I certainly have enjoyed your burgers, especially your entries for the YYC burger week and the occasional beef garnish on your EPIC nachos. But have I met interesting individuals? Yes, and I'll save those stories when I decide I want my reputation as a "nice guy" soiled. But overall, I've never been to any other place that's welcomed people from all ages,income, and culture all linked by one common attitude: you had to be chill as fuck. Stay golden pony boy.
Ship, ship, ship. Methinks I'll be celebrating many birthdays, catch-up beers, post-tryst-lets-set-the-terms-chats, and times when I just want to sit on your patio and watch society drift by..or find a way to edit my intellibabble that are my reviews.
Bottom line Ship, your drinks are cheap, but your character is not.