Very pleased with my first visit. Dr. Ho seems to be an honest, not out for your money, kinda guy. He gave me 2 options for my sensitive tooth that seems to be cracked. one was the less expensive route and the other was a semipermanent solution that would've had me back in the chair with what sounded like an evasive procedure. He explained the procedure well which i loved because I'm all too curious how it's done.
It was a difficult decision for me to leave my last dentist, Dr. Chad Whiting, but this place was just so close to home. I will miss all of the ladies at that office. All Brite Dental ladies are very young and nice but not as awesome as Canyon Rim Dental ladies. My choice to switch was based on convienance and the good Yelp reviews Dr. Ho recieved. Thanks Yelpers! Ya'll never fail me