I cannot recommend this shop. I was referred to Service King by my insurance carrier. The repairs were very small (less than $400), but the shop refused to order the needed parts until AFTER I dropped my car off. Since I have to pay for a rental car out of pocket, I really didn't want to leave my car there just to have it sit waiting for parts. The only other option they gave me was I could buy the parts myself from the dealer, which seems silly when my insurance is covering the repairs.
I spoke to another shop (New Look Collision), and they ordered the parts for me with no hassles. Turns out, the parts were a special order and took over a week to arrive. Also, New Look told me there was no need for me to even leave my car there since they could install the part in about 15 minutes!
I cannot speak for the quality of Service King's work since I did not repair here. But going to New Look instead of Service King saved me over $100 in rental car costs! Employees were very nice and helpful, but I'm all about saving money, so I cannot recommend based on my experience.