The very long story, short enough to get all you need to know is simple. Please save yourself the headache and trouble of poor customer service, dishonest communication and stalling tactics by not becoming a customer in the first place.
Direct TV provides an enticing start up package and their customer indoctrination is superb but just as the drug dealer always gives the first dose free, they rapidly morph into a media giant with no concern for their customer nor the 'promises' they have made. Uncaring is to pleasant a word for their twisted excuse for customer service. They will tell you they are working on an issue only to have the notes of your conversation conveniently be lost in the 'system' or transfer you to 'the department who handles that thing' and in the end you are left with NO help, NO satisfaction and NO choice but to take the beating they give. My experience has been much like putting my hand into a meat grinder and I have had to cut it off to avoid being completely consumed by the total lack of caring or customer service...
RUN, do not walk to one of their competitors. Your experience cannot possibly be worse.