I was lured in by a sample of youngberry tea, so refreshing and I wanted some more.
The sales woman gave me a sample of all the teas they had brewed and a tour around the shop. She was friendly and knowledgeable about the products in the store - a pleasure to speak with. When it came time to buy she did her very best to sell me every tea product in the store. I stayed the course though and insisted I only wanted some tea. She grabbed a large canister and started filling it up with tea and I had to stop her and explain there was no way I needed that much tea. She then grabbed a smaller canister and started filling it up, even the small canister seemed like it would last me a year. She put it on the scale and it rang up to $50.... for Tea. Again, I stopped her and told her that was way too much to spend on tea and she removed the tea from the canister and put some into paper bag.
It really bothered me that she had taken the liberty to fill up that first large canister of tea, who knows what that would have cost. The Teavana staff must know their products are expensive and I would have preferred it if she would have asked me beforehand how much tea I needed or how much I wanted to spend, seeing as how there weren't prices on tea, or at least none that I could see. I understand that they are trying to make money and up sell but ASK, don't take liberties.