The excitement over the new pho restaurant in Mississauga spread in my household like wildfire. My uncle who probably frequents his favorite Vietnamese restaurant that serves up hot delicious beefy noodle soup goodness at least 3-4 times a week told my brother and me about it two weeks ago.
My brother then proceeded to go try it out and went back another 2 times last week @_@ after he talked about it I had to go.
Went on a Sunday afternoon for a small snack with my uncle. Big mistake... no such thing. We ordered the shredded pork fresh rolls, the shrimp and pork pancakes (ban xeo), the rice rolls and ham (Ban Cuon) and the tripe porridge, plus an extra avocado shake for me...
I was so stuffed at the end I had to be rolled out into the pouring rain...
The avocado shake was good, creamy and not too sweet. The pancakes were extra crispy outside and tasty but could definitely use more shrimp and pork on the inside. The veggies it came with to wrap was fresher than fresh. The porridge was loaded with internal organ goodness and had a great not too much msg.
Then everything took a different turn...
The ban coun we never got because it was sold out but for some reason took 3 shots at communicating this to us. We reminded the male owner? at one point about it after we finished our first 2 dishes and he said okay it's coming out. At one point the server(female owner?) came and she started taking away our chopsticks and fish sauce and I was like no we're not done, we're still waiting for the rice noodles and porridge. She said no you only have porridge left so you don't need chopsticks. I said no we ordered ban coun as well... she cleared it anyways and came back with our bill where it doesn't say rice noodles... :/ The male owner? came over and said oh yea they ordered it but we're sold out... -_- thanks for the notice... I wasn't specifically overjoyed with this part of their service because not only did they not apologize, they just walked away after this revelation like we inconvenienced them...
Worse of all, after all that while we were eating our porridge a large group came in and they loudly sat them at the table next to us and gestured to our table and said this table is yours too. So then we just had a family of 6-7 standing next to our table while we were trying to finish eating... Not cool. Diners should wait at the front or the door until full seating is ready, not standing awkwardly next to people while they eat and know they're "holding" people up.
Horrible practice... I might go back to try their pho or beef 7 ways hot pot but definitely not going anytime soon over my other pho favorites.