First and foremost...I do love the Tea I buy from here.
BUT...and it's a big BUT....Teavana needs to stop paying it's employees by commission and disguising them as pleasant tea mongers...when really they are refined used car salesmen/women. They would upsell you the paper your receipt is printed on if they could.
Don't believe me....Google Teavana and customer service....and read the's a company wide issue....
Now...why do I go there. The tea is great! But they will have every excuse in the book to sell you the $100 teapot, the $25 tumbler, the overpriced sugar.....blah blah get the picture....and it will all be under the guise of getting the most flavor out of your tea....
So...What I recommend.
1. walk in with a pre planned amount you are going to spend...or you will walk out broke...and confused at how it happened.
2. Bring your own glass or metal canister.....or just lie and tell them you already have the small canister at home (because no doubt they will give you a reason why the one you brought in will "loose the taste of the tea" after a week.
3. Bring comfortable shoes...because you will need them as they "shuffle you to the right" so you can pay.....this doesn't make sense now...but it will when you go to pay...whoever designed their store's flow should be fired. (oh..and if you comment on how dumb it is...the salesperson will even have a pre-planned answer for that also----don't believe me...say "wow this seems really unorganized to have to pay like this"...and wait for the canned answer.
4. Let your taste buds guide you...
5. DO not buy SUGAR,TEAPOTS, or STEEPERS here...they are way overpriced. and when they try to make you feel guilty because you are now going to "ruin" the quality of the tea....remind them who the customer is.
Again ...I love the tea...just the "tude" i get everytime I go there.....IT's Tea for Buddha's should be a relaxing, Zen experience...