the Fox corporation owns this one along with it's next door neighbor " J. Alexanders".
I havent made a meal in my kitchen for years and depend upon the good restauranteurs of Phoenix for sustanence.
Sadly these two places mentioned herein are now off the rotation list of places to eat.
WE have watched the corporate cutbacks on food quality gradually decline into unacceptable levels.
September 23rd , I ordered fish tacos with a side of guacomole. What I got was three miniscule 3 inch tortillas each containing a very small, less than bite size piece of fish.
I have seen these small tortillas at other eateries served as appetizers in portions of three just like this offering. The fish tacos were about 15 bucks! The side of guacomole was 9 bucks!
Even if the food was excellent (which it was far from) the portion size was pathetic .
Just a bad deal all way around.
Locals avoid it now and apparently the locale next to several hotels may keep it going. Unsuspecting tourists be warned.
AVOID this one.