Canceling my membership this week. I rather not exercise at all than go back to this place. I have been a member for almost a year and every time I am here (about once a week) I am horribly disappointed and often appalled.
When you walk in the smell immediately hits you, it smells like sweat and stale body odor. It is stuffy and way too warm for a gym or a comfortable workout. If you try to work out anytime between 5pm and 7pm there are always lines for the cardio equipment and often many of the popular weight machines. The machines are extremely out-dated. The cardio machines at my old LA Fitness in Ahwatukee have TV's on them the ones at Town and Country are often broken, squeaky or unstable. Not a good combination for running.
Walk around the back to the "stretching/resistance" area and chances are you won't ever find room to actually use the area. The locker rooms are just as outdated/dirty/broken. And make sure you bring your own lock and towel because there is no way they will ever supply you with one should you not bring your own.
As far as the classes go, I have only taken yoga, not too bad but not at all the level of instruction you would get at a private studio. This place needs a complete remodel, or a tear down... there is literally not enough room in the building to host all the hundreds of people piling through the doors. Unfortunately it is the only "chain-gym" in the area which is why I imagine people are still going here.