| - I found Rosso Gelato, luckily by accident. This cute little place is a little bit off the beaten path, but when I saw it, I could not wait to try it. This Gelateria reminded me of something I would find in the heart of Milan's fashion district, the only thing missing was a line of Vespas park outside. One of my favorite things about visiting Italy, without a doubt, is eating gelato. I like ice cream in all its forms, but the Italians have done something magical with their version. When traveling to Italy I eat gelato every day, sometime twice a day. Good gelato is characterized by its intense flavor and its super smooth and creamy texture and if you didn't know it, a lot less calories and fat than ice cream. Encouraged by the friendly, helpful staff a tasted at least a half dozen or more flavors before deciding on my choices. Though the gelato was good, I especially liked the fresh fruit sorbettos even better. My favorites being the Blood Orange and the Pink Grapefruit. This gelato was as good as some I have had in Italy and Spain, and is definitely worth a trip and is a lot closer to home.