| - I've been to Night It Up! 2013 and 2014. It's the perfect event for Markham, full of Asian food! There are tons of vendors selling delicious food and drinks, ranging from Canadian favourites like Beavertails to oyster omelettes that take me right back to Taiwan. I think the star of the event is the Stinky Tofu. Oh man, does it stink up the whole area, but I love it! There were two tofu vendors this year, each with a distinct taste and smell. My other favourites from 2014 were the Thai iced tea and the grilled squid on a stick.
Prices are high for what you get (this isn't the affordable Taiwanese night market you might expect it to be) and the crowds are huge, but it's a great summertime event in Markham, a place that I consider to typically lack a community feel, despite its big population. Come out and see what our city has to offer for your tastebuds!
For those on a tight budget, check out the event near the end on the last day. The prices get slashed to clear inventory. The biggest discount I found was $8 coconuts (with juice inside) being sold for $2, then later $1 right before closing.
A tip for the organizers: don't yell at visitors to leave the venue because the event is over for the night. How about you get the vendors to stop selling instead? The megaphone was very off-putting and obviously had no effect since the crowds still stayed until the vendors closed up.
Also, the sinks by the portapotties were out of water hours before the event was over. That's pretty gross at a food event.