This* place* situated in new york new york is more like a dive you would find in any 3rd world country than a saloon
I fully expected to discover the bathroom was just a hole in the middle of a room .. it was,nt but not much better.
cover charge, bouncers bullying female patrons to remove their bras , awfully loud music, no where to sit ,expensive drinks and skanks dancing on the bar while they squirted some sort of drink in your mouth seemed to be the mode of this establishment .
the male customers who looked like extras out of a horror movie were sloppily dressed and slivering around with a bored look on thier faces gazing attentively at the stage hoping for a glimpse of a breast or perhaps a crotch shot from the gyrating dancers .
not a hope
we had one drink (cost a arm & leg )found a vacant space on the wall to lean against untill we could,nt stand the noise any more and left not a place we would visit again but part of the Las Vegas experiance ..