Just what NoDa needed! The news of this one somehow stayed under my Radar until I saw the Crepe Cellar's FB page welcoming them to the neighborhood. Just slightly off 35th St. and owned by the same team that has brought us NoDa staples such as Growler's, Crepe Cellar, and Haberdish, it incorporates perfectly into an existing classic NoDa Mill-era building.
No inside seating, it's kinda like a window kiosk. They have excellent Coffee from Counter Culture that I hadn't tried until today and a darling creme & sugar stand next to the window. The doughnut menu is very simple, so execution is a must. Let's see how they fare...
One Honey Glaze and a Vanilla with Sprinkles sounds like a good combo to test. First thing I noticed is that the doughnuts are a slightly darker than most places. One bite and I confirmed that the additional browning gave the doughnut a nice crispy exterior while maintaining a delicate body inside. The doughnut itself had a wholesome, slightly nutty profile, while the honey glaze gave it the perfect balance of sweetness that most places go overboard with. The vanilla icing also just wonderful. Not overboard, but definitely sweeter than the honey glaze. The former won the contest of the two by a smidgen!
Welcome to the neighborhood, RD. You and I are going to become best friends!