| - Tara is an angel!!! I was beyond fully satisfied with my hypno birthing experience from start to finish!! In fact it's more like 110% satisfied! It made all the difference in the world for me to physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepare for my first birth using the hypno birthing method. I couldn't have done it without the help of the fabulous Instructor, Tara Lower-Smith! She is extremely knowledgeable and has a unique teaching style. She delivered information in a way that kept my husband and I entertained all 5 weeks of classes, and made us feel like we were her top priority! We looked forward to the weekends when we would attend her classes, and are beyond thrilled we did! Thanks to what we learned from Tara, my pregnancy was a whole lot more enjoyable, my attitude towards birth remained positive, and we were blessed to achieve the incredibly beautiful, all-natural home birth that we were striving for!! I highly recommend using the hypno birthing method and give Tara 5 thumbs way up!!!
Here is my hypno birth story for those of you who are interested-
The best part, aside from meeting our precious new baby girl of course, was the fact that I felt so incredibly calm, peaceful, positive, and in control of my labor and birth! I used the hypno birthing methods Tara taught me from the moment I woke up. My water had leaked and contractions were 2-6 minutes apart for the first hour our so. They picked up on frequency and increased in duration from there. I would not say I was in pain; it's more like I was experiencing waves of intense sensations. My Midwife arrived about 7 hours later and I was already 5-6 centimeters dilated! I was shocked things were moving so quickly and that I was not in pain, as so many people had tried to convince me during my pregnancy that most first-time moms have very long and painful experiences. (At one point following Tara's teachings, I chose not to listen to the negative and only invited in positive stories.) About 4 hours after my Midwife arrived, I gave birth to a happy, healthy baby girl! She was literally SMILING when she arrived. It took her several minutes to begin crying and it was only long enough for her to clear her lungs. We delayed her cord clamping and did not give her any drugs. She was and is the most perfect creation I have ever laid eyes on! While working on her arrival, there was not a single moment when I felt like giving up or that I needed drugs to reduce the pain. I did not swear, scream, or squirm. I didn't panic or become discouraged. Instead I was extremely focused and cherished the time it took to help my baby enter the world in a completely stress-free environment! We are truly blessed that Tara taught me how to birth her so perfectly!! I am eternally grateful for her teachings, and strongly recommend taking her courses to anyone expecting to bring a little bundle of joy into the world!!!