RATS & MICE TORE TO SHREDS CHEWED THROUGH AND COVERED IN FECES EVERYTHING I HAD IN STORAGE! I'll post some pictures, the same ones I had to submit to insurance to file the claim and receive a settlement for everything I lost. The mice/rats/rodents chewed through, pooped on, and ruined all of it. Management refused to do anything despite admitting its a common problem, and that they couldn't do anything to fix it. How about not renting storage units knowing everything a customer stores will be destroyed. I was willing to pay 80$ a month to store my belongings, the least you could have done is informed me before hand about the rodent problem. The staff was well aware and refused to refund rent (so I paid them to allow rodents to destroy my belongings). What a joke. Do not rent here, plenty of other places you can rent from and not pay them to have your things destroyed.