| - I know all my friends tell me "try out a helmet here, then order online because it's cheaper" well I'm here to tell you that's bologna. I have bought a marked down agv helmet and wore it for 3 years with no issues, my next purchase here was bigger and i bought gloves, jacket and a new helmet. Now this helmet was not AGV, it was sedici, and i wasnt too happy about the visor mechanics from the get go, but i was told it was under warrenty.
2 months went by and my visor came off on the highway, i went on without it for the summer, and then winter came around and i needed my visor again. I went in and a gentleman helped me by giving me free parts to complete my helmet once more. I misplaced one lock later, and went back in the next week and the same service was acquired. I know for a fact no online vendor would replace parts this fast for me. I stand by this shop! Great customer service, couldn't be happier.
For anyone that experiences this, i recommend blue loctite on your visor locking screws (this was also recommended by the cyclegear guy that helped me).
Ride safe!