| - Well, you sure as shite get what you pay for here. I'm a student, so I do appreciate having any $10/month gym option. And when I go during the day, it's not too busy, which lets me fumble around the machines with less embarrassment.
The staff, though, are laughably incompetent. And they--rather than fellow gym-goers-- make me feel like I'm on an episode of Jersey Shore. I love the Jersey Shore, so that isn't all bad, but it is if you need any sort of help.
The other day, I asked how to get the TV audio to feed into the elliptical. The guy at the front counter told me the ellipticals couldn't get sound. Then the girl next to him said, no, some of them get sound. So a third girl came over and started testing all the ellipticals before giving up and sort of frumping away quietly. I asked someone using the elliptical, and in about ten seconds they'd explained it to me. All the machines work--you just have to be using it before sound will start.
Another time my friend and I signed up for their create-a-program thing. We were ignored for the first twenty minutes as the staff member directed all her attention on someone else. Then, she proceeded to try and sell us weight-loss pills. Neither of us are remotely overweight. It was kind of hilarious. We now refer to the gym as "Planet ShitForBrains."