Beautiful furniture at inflated prices. They claim they're "40% less than retail", but that's baloney. Most of the items at Ladlows are available online at Wayfair, with the possible exception of Marge Carson line (which is so expensive, it's laughable). Since Robb & StickYu went out of business years ago, Ladlows is pretty much the only game in town for "quality" furniture. And they take full advantage of that! If it becomes apparent (to them) that you're not going to spend many tens of thousands of dollars, the salespeople behave as though they can't wait to run away from you and wait on the next sucker, er, I mean client. Ladlows people are rude, condescending & generally unpleasant to deal with. Hello....these people are working on commission....what entitles them to behave as though the client is "beneath them"? Seems to be a culture there. Id rather go out of my way, to another town, to buy furniture than deal with snotty Ladlows.