I travel for work....and the industry I work in is a suit and tie kinda environment. So the shoes need a shine from time to time.
Yes, I could do them at home, but I never get that gleaming show like the pro do, so between flights I hit one of (what I think are) two stands on the edge of the main terminal.
4 seats long...there was a line at both places.
I was seated and so began a complex process I had never experienced before...they placed white protective covers over my socks...love the detail!
Next they "washed my shoes"...yes, that is what I wrote.
During the was....I could swear they were massaging my foot over my shoe?????? Now that was the weird part....
Then back to the shine....they polished the shoe and even uses a military tactic of using a small flame to enhance the shine to...dare I say...a military grade shine ????? Perhaps??
$5....was a GREAT price...I was pleased I also tipped her a $5 too.