Um. I'd love to join the flock of people giving this Boom a favourable review, but I had no such experience there.
-We were offered beverages and snacks in line
-The wait was below average for a Sunday brunch hour on a "warm" day
-Cheap cheap cheap
-Our server was definitely on HIS period or something. A-tti-tude
-Simple requests were ignored (water no ice please. um. no ice. please. um. if the next glass could have umm no ice, thks.... MUST I BEG?)
-Our food arrived cold. frigid i should say.
-Our food also arrived well after the meal of the person seated half an hour after us
-Staff kept moving our tables around, plates-on-em-and-all, to accommodate new parties. We could barely get a conversation topic in without being shuffled around. Maybe it's ok to turn people away or have a longer wait time rather than playing musical tables all day? Just saying.
-Our server disappeared after serving us and only returned to bring us more iced water. That's correct- iced.
There is no shortage of Brunch places in Toronto, esp. in the College St area, so I recommend trying another spot if you need a guarantee good time and waiters with decent hearing.