| - It's Day 1, you're just off the plane, hiking along gorgeous red rocks. You've had a decent hike, on the way back to the car now, when suddenly, you step on something . . . weird. You look down, and are utterly dismayed to find that half of the sole of your right hiking boot has come unglued and is flopping under itself. A la MacGyver, your best friend whips out a rubber hair-tie which you fasten around the toe to hold the boot together for the remainder of your journey. You delicately hobble the remainder of the hike back to the car, wondering how the next few days of hiking are going to look with this floppy, poor excuse for foot protection.
Enter, REI. Thank god we found one, as I certainly don't know Las Vegas very well, but I do know REI. I was in and out in 15 minutes, replaced my beloved (and worn) old sturdies with a spiffy new set of Vasques, which, by the way, needed no breaking in at all. I wore them right out of the store, only took them off at night over the next several days and had not even a single red spot to show for all my desert hiking.
REI you saved me from days of stubbornly hiking around on my back-up option, which, even in my mind's best version still amounted to me limping around on a tangled mess of duct tape, hair ties and old rubber. Me thinks that would've ended badly.