Pounding one leg into the pavement after another. Not my favorite thing. NOt mY FaVoRITe ThInG at all!! That being said, I have been in need of a proper pair of running shoe on several occasion and the Red Rock Running Club has provided on every occasion but one.
They will throw you on a treadmill and see what is happening with your feet and provide suggestions on footwear. You can go out on the sidewalk and test-drive if you will. Just don't step out into the parking lot.
The only issue I have found is when I discovered that I am minimalist runner and needed some Altras running shoes. They did not carry that particular brand and were kind enough to send me elsewhere.
Need a tool to roll your muscles...they got it...I bought one. Need a clever water bottle to run with...they got it...I bought one.
Friendly and professional service. Need something running related, Red Rock Running Company will hook you up.