A good burrito is hard to come by in this city unless of course you happen to pay a visit to Tejano BBQ. In that case you will most certainly satiate your need for one. This burrito shop is located in St Henri and is serving up some very delicious burritos and tacos. The shop is quite small and seating is limited but you should be able to get a seat should you decide to eat your food there.
At Tejano you build your own burrito so you choose everything from the meat to the toppings. On my particular visit I got a beef burrito which was delicious. The meat was very tender and juicy. I also took the spicy salsa and the level of heat was just right. There was some kick to the burrito without it being overpowering. I'll also add that the burrito is humongous so come here hungry because you will most certainly be full when all is said and done.
If you go for a combo then you can also get a side of their homemade tortilla chips which are wildly addictive. It seems that they cut up corn tortillas and deep fry them. They also have a fair amount of salt on them which probably explains why they are so good.
Prices might come across as a bit high at first but it is totally worth it. I paid $17 for my combo but the quality was definitely there. The portion of both the chips and burrito was also quite large so it only seemed fair to pay that much.
Another thing that Tejano does well is customer service. The person who served me was very friendly and did a good job of engaging me in conversation while serving me quickly and efficiently. He also made some good recommendations so he definitely knew the menu well.
As someone who enjoys a good burrito I am so glad to have found this place. Tejano is definitely better than some of the other options available in this city.