Today they two stars! Today's attendant (older Hispanic lady, Sonya) is rude and awful! She swiped my card in a dryer with GUM IN IT & ran away when I showed her the GUM!!! (Like seriously- OUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!) Upon her return to the facility, she hid in the office for 45 minutes. When she finally came out, she offered zero remorse, and zero apology for her action.
The other younger brunette Hispanic is kind and accommodating. She ALWAYS helps get the gum out of the dryers!
The facility usually is nice & clean. The washing machines and dryers were both mostly clean and in good working order. While it is a "coin-less" facility, you have to use cash to buy a laundry card. There is an ATM to access your bank account. BUT, the attendant will not give you change for a $20. According to the signs, the attendant can buy your card back with any remaining money on it.