I went in recently to consign 4 pieces. I had overheard the girl tell another customer that if she just had something small to drop in whenever. So I thought, well I have a few small things, an ottoman, a Larry Kanfer framed photo, 2 hand embroidered designer pillows. However, when I walked in the young blond at the counter, who wasn't helping any customers, told me they couldn't look at my things because I didn't have an appointment. She didn't ask if I'd like to make an appointment just told me no. I asked if she could kindly make an exception as it was just a few items and there were other workers at the counter and she seemed free. Then she told me she couldn't because it was their lunch time and they never look at things during their lunch time. I left and will never be going back. If the owner can't hire employees that can provide even the smallest amount of customer service why should I shop there or bring my very expensive items there. Try Smith Design & Consign in downtown Champaign. They were happy to consign my items and they sold in just a few days!