I found an ad on Craigslist for a 2014 used rzr 1000. I went directly to their website to see if it was still available. It was on their website available and I chatted with someone but she could not confirm whether or not it was still in their inventory, not to helpful. I gave them my contact info nd received an email the next morning stated the vehicle was still available. When I called Ivan, the person who sent the email, two hours after i received the email, he said the vehicle sold the day before. He did tell me that the vehicle was still there but it had a sold sticker on it. I asked if I could come check it out since it was still there, he told me that he would check into and return my call. When Ivan called back he explained to me that the people just pick it up, with in 15 minuted of my previous call. I am real suspicious if they even had this 2014 rzr 1000. This is the third time something like this has happen to me at this same dealership. See attache pictures.