Inside the Grand Canal Shoppes at The Venetian, I am a loyal, happy customer of this Walking Company. They are great for 3 reasons: Good to great selection of confortable, stylish shoes, especially Danskos. Their staff is friendly, helpful and have -never- been pushy for a sale. (I hate a hard sale beyond anything..I just walk out 9 times out of 10) The other reason I love them so much are the sales they run every few months that catch me by surprise
I'm addicted to Dansko shoes/sandals. They usually start around $110 a pair and go higher. I found a pair of stylish sandals ("Sissy" braided style, in dark brown) for $70!! I have a size 10, which is a European size 41, i'm pretty sure. They had it in stock, I snatched them up quicker than you can say "AWESOME Danish shoes!"
I love my Danskos, and I love this shop!