Sears is proof that the outdated department store model isn't going to be able to make it if they don't do some serious updating. They have a couple sections that they shine at, but others that they really need to let go of.
It's been a running joke between my mom and I for quite some time now to look at the clothing section of Sears whenever we go to Southcentre in case there's something good. There never is. All the clothes here are frumpy and not nearly cheap enough for what you get. Wal-Mart is more fashion-forward... seriously!
The best parts of Sears? The furniture and appliance sections. They carry most of the same brands you can get elsewhere but at better prices. They also have a decent jewelry counter for the higher-end gold/diamond pieces. Most of the accessories are classic styles so nothing too exciting but they are surprisingly well-priced. Unfortunately for them, this isn't exactly something Sears is known for.
Sears really needs to rethink their sales strategy if they really want to make a go of things in the 21st century. As clearly indicated by their recent announcement to close their Chinook location, I can't be the only one thinking this way. My suggestion? Focus on what you're good at and dump the rest.