In theory, Planned Parenthood is a good thing. But as with many of my favorite socialist ideologies, the reality is nowhere close.
I went to PP for treatment of a relatively minor infection, something that can be easily handled by any competent OB/GYN (or nurse or veterinarian, for that matter). The nurse practitioner did a quick exam and declared I would need to see a specialist. Huh? I thought PP specialized in sexual health?
So I would NOT be receiving any treatment for a minor infection, buy I would have to pay $65 for the hassle and inconvenience of dealing with PP. I choose PP because I'm unemployed and uninsured (which I explained to them) but it's apparently not their policy to give a break to people in need. Luckily the local health department has a clinic that only charges $30. But damn, PP is falling short in actually delivering health care where it's needed. Shame on them.