Question: Where do two foodies go for their wedding reception, just after they get married by Elvis in Vegas?
Answer: Rosemary's!
My friends rented out the main room for the evening. Everything was superb (this is one of those times I need more than 5 stars). We had a delicious seven course tasting menu. Both wine and beer pairings were offered. I've never heard of a beer pairing and thought that was an awesome idea, especially for the non wine-drinkers.
The service was impeccable. The coolest part? Even though our table was a table of 14, we all got served at the exact same time. No, really! Each waiter had 2 plates and they placed them at the same time. That was an excellent touch!
One waiter was especially in charge of my friend and practically jumped over tables to make sure she never had to pull out her chair and also that she and her new hub were perfectly happy. They were.
When we pulled up (in a big, huge bus, mind you!), a few of us were taken aback by the strip mall and the green neon. Don't let the Krazy Buffet or Stein Mart in the same lot fool you! The atmosphere was lovely and we soon forgot we were tucked away in such a lovely little restaurant.
Everything about the evening was perfect.