Only had 2 things here 3 seperate times. The prices here are pretty outrageous for Italian food which is easily some of the cheapest food ever to make. That aside
Seafood salad is incredible!, Next Lemon Chicken VERY GOOD the sauce is like pure lemon vinegar and really addicting and makes up for the chicken being slightly dry. I can make way better chicken on mesquite wood in my backyard. But their lemon "sauce" is great. Seafood salad you can order HALF ORDER even if the waiter or waitress tries to JAM you for the full portion. I have done it 3x and both the 2nd and 3rd time they tried to tell me "i have worked her XXXX years and we have never made half of one" AGAIN BS! ALSO half of one is great portion!
Definitely great 2 items. The rest of the menu is a major reamer so I will not even mess with it.