As good as it gets. Truly.
I threw out my back earlier this week and am completely unable to bend over or pick up heavy stuff. I still attempted, however, to do some shopping since my dad just came out of surgery and desperately needed supplies and his medication. Alas, my attempt was in vain as I only ended up hurting myself more when trying to pick up a case of water bottles.
I explained my troubles to Matt and Anna at guest services and Anna assured me that everything would be taken care of and she directed me to aisle 5. She then asked me everything that I needed and had a nice young man named Ethan grab me everything on my list. After I finished paying, another gentleman named Jeremy brought all my groceries back to my car and loaded them into the car for me.
I have never been hurt like this in my life so it meant a lot to me that Anna, Robert, Jeremy and Ethan all practically jumped to assist me when I told them of my pain. I was completely taken aback by the OUTSTANDING customer service and understanding of each and every smiths member I encountered that day.
Thank you again, y'all. If there's some better way I can show my thanks let me know, please!