| - DISRESPECTFUL RUDE TRASHY USELESS ...& those are the best points. The Witch with missing teeth except for the rotten ones really takes her anger out on customers.
Shewas nasty & kept talking to me like I'm an idiot & made it her mission to be as rude and nasty as possible.
For example, after I reminded her what I was looking for, & she said that's not what I asked for...she walked away.
I followed her because I thought she was taking me to the thing I needed. She started clicking on the computer, knowing I'm right behind her. After a good 3 minutes... I ask.."is everything ok... or, are you looking for it in the stock or something"? She turns around
"Oh, did you still need something?"
Most likely yes, since I came for 3 things, & I still had 0 things...
But at that point, I said, "no it's ok, I'm done. You've been really rude & nasty to me & im not going to be shopping here again."
And instead of doing something a normal person would do, she laughed as loud as she could like a psychopath.
Wow. Good to know Ulta hires psychopathic cackling rotten teeth witches & approves of their employees treating customers as disrespectful as possible to the point where they not only walk out, but never return.
Good Job Guys!