| - AVOID! Rented through Expedia, for airport car, unlimited Milage. IF you want just a set of wheels - dirty car, (very) dirty windshield, empty window washer fluid (Once I was on the highway / pulled out of the lot the light was on - and I hadn't used it) - this is the place to go! IF you want 'service' from someone who seems inconvenienced to serve you, spends more time answering their personal cell phone during the prolonged checkin process, is surly to your questions - this is the place to go! IF you answer his questions honestly - you get flak 'Are you certain you don't need additional insurance?" (No I have it through my current auto insurance agent) - "You do?" he asks - "Most people do not - do you have your policy number?" (No - but this is the name of the company...) "You are sure you have the additional insurance, (*shrugs/Smiles like I am wasting his time*) - "Yes"... IF you want an operation that appears fly-by-night, lacks any professionalism, has the most dirty office (like the car), and the added bonus of an uncaring attitude - THIS IS THE PLACE FOR IT! AVOID! Yes, it is the cheapest - and you know - here you get it in spades...