| - Even if one likes the music of Demi Lovato or any of the other acts that "performed" at the iHeartRadio Daytime Village...
...after walking nearly 2 miles from the casino parking garage (all valets are closed or full, surprise, surprise), through a hopelessly unnecessary maze of green fencing that takes you almost completely around to the other side of the venue, baking like a lobster in the Las Vegas sun without any water (because Aquafina has purchased the rights to prevent you from walking in with water, just so they can make you buy one from them for $3), standing in lines for hours just to get the "right" to stand in the shade for 10 minutes, or standing in line for hours just to get some overpriced food or a crappy Budweiser for $9, navigating through a mind-numbing maze of "sponsors" who are more than happy to capitalize on your unfortunate situation in order to steal your money to make their CEO even richer...
...after all that hell, to finally make it to the stage, through the maddening crowd, sweating like a pig and feeling faint from dehydration, you cheer as Demi Lovato walks on stage --
-- and then it happens, you watch as she LIP-SYNCS 3 SONGS - no shit, $125 a ticket to watch someone LIP-SYNC 3 SONGS and then walk off stage?
What a f**ing joke.
MGM - you people suck. Your greed is disgusting.
The iHeart Music Festival Daytime Village is, hands down, the worst concert experience of my life. A perfect example of how corporate greed has ruined everything beautiful in this world.